* | Reef buffer for convenient aquarium pH maintenance |
* | Use Reef Buffer to safely raise the pH of your reef system |
* | Raises pH and carbonate alkalinity to help simplify reef care |
Reef Buffer is primarily intended for use in a reef system where the maintenance of a pH of 8.3 is often difficult. When used as directed, Reef Buffer will raise the pH to desired levels. With this easy-to-use formula, there is no fear of accidentally over-correcting the pH to a dangerous level. Reef Buffer, a blended product, also raises carbonate alkalinity. Seachem Reef Builder should be used to raise alkalinity when pH is not a problem. 250 grams treats 2,000 gallons.
Check pH and alkalinity before use.
Use 5 grams (1 level teaspoon) for every 40 gallons to raise pH by about 0.1 pH units (this will also raise alkalinity by about 0.5 meq/L).
Dissolve in at least one cup of freshwater, and then add to the aquarium. The pH of natural seawater is between 8.25 and 8.30.
Dosing requirements will vary, but do not exceed the recommended dose without checking your pH and alkalinity (alkalinity should not exceed 6 meq/L).
Note: If an alkalinity of 6 meq/L has been reached and a pH of at least 8.20 has not been attained or if substantial cloudiness that does not clear within 15 minutes is encountered, then the system is not ionically balanced. To restore ionic balance perform a water change or adjust the magnesium and calcium levels to approximately 3:1 Mg:Ca (calcium does not need to exceed 400 mg/L).
DO NOT OVERDOSE: Excess alkalinity may enhance the loss of calcium, magnesium, and strontium. Do not directly mix with any calcium, magnesium, or strontium supplement.
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