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Eight Lined Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus octotaenia)
Eight Lined Wrasse
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Eight Lined Wrasse (Pseudocheilinus octotaenia)
Additional locales and sizes may be available!
Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats

Care Level Moderate
Temperament Aggressive
Color Form Orange, Red
Diet Carnivore
Reef Compatible With Caution
Water Conditions sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size 5"
Family Labridae
Minimum Tank Size 55 gallons
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Care Level Moderate
Temperament Aggressive
Color Form Orange, Red
Diet Carnivore
Reef Compatible With Caution
Water Conditions sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size 5"
Family Labridae
Minimum Tank Size 55 gallons
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The Eight Lined Wrasse is also known as Eightstripe Wrasse or Eightline Wrasse. As its name implies, it has eight, horizontal red stripes on a striking orange body. Its fins and tail are intricately detailed.

A 55 gallon or larger aquarium equipped with plenty of rocks for hiding among and live rock to graze from is ideal. The Eight Lined Wrasse is very aggressive towards other Wrasses and best kept singly. If it is to be housed in an aggressive community tank, it should be introduced first. It will do well with larger fish that can defend themselves. It is harmless to corals where it loves to hide, but will eat shrimp, crabs, and other small crustaceans, snails, urchins, and bristleworms.

The eight Lined Wrasse diet should include vitamin enriched frozen mysis shrimp, vitamin enriched frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods along with a high quality marine flake and marine pellet food.<

Approximate Purchase Size: 1-1/2" to 2-1/2"

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