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Gold Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)
Gold Neon Tetra
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Gold Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)
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Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats

Care Level Easy
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Blue, Red, Yellow
Diet Omnivore
Water Conditions 68-78° F, KH 4-8, pH 5.0-7.0
Max. Size 1½"
Family Characidae
Minimum Tank Size 10 gallons
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Care Level Easy
Temperament Peaceful
Color Form Blue, Red, Yellow
Diet Omnivore
Water Conditions 68-78° F, KH 4-8, pH 5.0-7.0
Max. Size 1½"
Family Characidae
Minimum Tank Size 10 gallons
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The Gold Neon Tetra is a beautiful, opalescent fish developed through selective breeding. The jewel-like Gold Neon Tetra boasts a distinct golden body that sets it apart from the popular Neon Tetra. The Gold Neon Tetra still has the blue and red stripe typical of the Neon Tetra, but subdued to an elegant highlight. Kept in schools of five or more, you'll marvel at the swirl of color these tetras create as they swim together throughout your aquarium.

This very popular freshwater fish originally came from the clear water streams of South America. The Gold Neon Tetra is an excellent addition to the planted aquarium. To mirror its natural habitat, incorporate rocks, driftwood, and plants to provide hiding places. The Gold Neon Tetra thrives in slightly acidic water and will do best when water parameters are kept constant.

To breed Gold Neon Tetras, separate a pair into a "breeder tank" with no lighting at first, and then gradually increase it until spawning occurs. Water hardness should be less than 4 dKH and live food such as mosquito larvae are great inducers. Be sure to remove the adults after the eggs have been laid, as they will eat them. The eggs should hatch within 30 hours.

Gold Neon Tetras will accept many small foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia, freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, micro pellet food, and a high quality flake food.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1/2" to 1"

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