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The LiveAquaria® Captive-Bred Panda Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare is a beautiful freshwater species with long fins that swims gracefully and is a delight to watch. Its iridescent white body has randomly sized and randomly positioned black splotches on it, as well as on its fins. It grows to a length of six inches and most often the height measurement will outnumber the length. Freshwater Angelfish are measured at TL (Total Length) which means your fish will be measured from the tip of its nose to the end of its tail.
The Panda Angelfish has a generally peaceful temperament, but can become aggressive during breeding, with conspecifics, and can eat small fish and invertebrates.
Its natural habitat includes swamps or other areas that are densely planted. Tall aquariums are required due to their height and vertical swimming nature. They enjoy cover like that provided by plants, with an opening for swimming. They should be housed with compatible species that are not known fin nippers. Aquarists should be diligent with maintaining optimum water conditions, as the Panda Angelfish can be sensitive to water quality.
Pterophyllum scalare is a member of the Cichlidae family and an omnivore that requires a balanced diet for nutritional needs and to preserve coloration. Its diet should include high quality flakes or pellets, and live foods such as brine shrimp, and bloodworms.
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