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The Neon Blue Goby has a healthy appetite for all kinds of freshwater algae. The energetic Neon Blue Goby will actively scour surfaces, providing your aquarium with valuable algae-cleaning services. Similar to other gobies, the Neon Blue Goby is an intriguing fish full of personality that provides unmatched entertainment. With proper care, the sleek and diminutive Neon Blue Goby offers the freshwater hobbyists in search of unusual aquarium inhabitants a peaceful addition sure to be the envy of other aquarists.
Hailing from clear, fast-moving streams of Asia, the Neon Blue Goby requires an established aquarium that replicates conditions found in these environments. It is critical to provide high aeration and strong water movement to ensure the health of the Neon Blue Goby. A fast-moving, oxygen-rich environment can be achieved through the use of powerheads. Make sure the airline tubing connected to the powerhead inlet is drawing in fresh air. The use of a slightly oversized filter will also increase filtration and water movement. Also, avoid high water temperatures to ensure greater dissolved oxygen content.
To create a natural habitat for the Neon Blue Goby, aquascape with ample amounts of river rocks of varying size and shape to replicate a tumbled streambed. Algae and other food items growing on or encrusting the river rock is an essential food source that offers beneficial foraging activity. A recommended minimum tank of 20 gallons should be provided to house the Neon Blue Goby. A tight fitting lid or canopy is recommended to prevent escape.
The Neon Blue Goby will accept most food items small enough to fit in its mouth. As mentioned before, biological matter such as detritus and algae that forms on river rock makes up a major portion of its diet. Supplement the diet of the Neon Blue Goby with foods that sink to the bottom of the aquarium such as a high-quality flake food, sinking carnivore pellets, sinking algae wafers, freeze-dried bloodworms, and tubifex worms.
Approximate Purchase Size: 1" to 1-3/4"
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