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Captive-Bred Marine Fish

Captive-bred marine fish offered by LiveAquaria® are premium options that help to reduce the impact of the earth’s natural resources. Responsibly sourced, these healthy marine fish can add a dynamic impact in your home aquarium with their unique characteristics and vivid coloration. With so many popular captive-bred marine fish species like Puffers, Tangs, and Clownfish available, both beginners and advanced aquarists are sure to find one to enjoy. Captive-bred fish are fully accustomed to aquarium life and eat prepared foods such as flakes and pellets. And unlike their wild-caught counterparts, many different species of the same types of fish may be kept in the same aquarium if introduced at the same time. With patience and an understanding of rearing techniques, these species can be successfully bred in your aquarium.

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Captive-bred marine fish offered by LiveAquaria® are premium options that help to reduce the impact of the earth’s natural resources. Responsibly sourced, these healthy marine fish can add a dynamic impact in your home aquarium with their unique characteristics and vivid coloration. With so many popular captive-bred marine fish species like Puffers, Tangs, and Clownfish available, both beginners and advanced aquarists are sure to find one to enjoy. Captive-bred fish are fully accustomed to aquarium life and eat prepared foods such as flakes and pellets. And unlike their wild-caught counterparts, many different species of the same types of fish may be kept in the same aquarium if introduced at the same time. With patience and an understanding of rearing techniques, these species can be successfully bred in your aquarium.

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 Captive-Bred Percula Clownfish Captive-Bred Percula Clownfish
(Amphiprion percula)
Starting at $24.99
 Captive-Bred Sharknose Goby Captive-Bred Sharknose Goby
(Elacatinus evelynae)
Starting at $26.99
 Captive-Bred Splendid Dottyback Captive-Bred Splendid Dottyback
(Manonichthys splendens)
Starting at $54.99
 Captive-Bred Striped Blenny Captive-Bred Striped Blenny
(Meiacanthus grammistes)
Starting at $38.99
 Captive-Bred Whitespotted Pygmy Filefish Captive-Bred Whitespotted Pygmy Filefish
(Rudarius ercodes)
Starting at $71.99
 Captive-Bred Yellowline Goby Captive-Bred Yellowline Goby
(Elacatinus figaro)
Starting at $26.99
Ambon Damselfish, Captive-Bred Ambon Damselfish, Captive-Bred
(Pomacentrus amboinensis)
Starting at $9.99
Azure Damselfish, Captive-Bred Azure Damselfish, Captive-Bred
(Chrysiptera hemicyanea)
Starting at $12.99
Barbouri Seahorse, Captive-Bred Barbouri Seahorse, Captive-Bred
(Hippocampus barbouri)
Starting at $149.99
Biota Captive-Bred Blue Mandarin Biota Captive-Bred Blue Mandarin
(Synchiropus splendidus)
Starting at $159.99
Biota Captive-Bred Blue Striped Clownfish Biota Captive-Bred Blue Striped Clownfish
(Amphiprion chrysopterus)
Starting at $39.99
Biota Captive-Bred Court Jester Goby Biota Captive-Bred Court Jester Goby
(Koumansetta rainfordi)
Starting at $34.99
Biota Captive-Bred Link's Goby Biota Captive-Bred Link's Goby
(Amblygobius linki)
Starting at $24.99
Biota Captive-Bred Marine Betta Biota Captive-Bred Marine Betta
(Calloplesiops altivelis)
Starting at $199.99
Biota Captive-Bred Radial Filefish Biota Captive-Bred Radial Filefish
(Acreichthys radiatus)
Starting at $69.99
Biota Captive-Bred Ring Eyed Goby Biota Captive-Bred Ring Eyed Goby
(Trimma benjamini)
Starting at $49.99
Biota Captive-Bred Sapphire Damselfish Biota Captive-Bred Sapphire Damselfish
(Pomacentrus pavo)
Starting at $29.99
Biota Captive-Bred Starry Goby Biota Captive-Bred Starry Goby
(Asterropteryx semipunctatus)
Starting at $59.99
Biota Captive-Bred Striped Blenny Biota Captive-Bred Striped Blenny
(Meiacanthus grammistes)
Starting at $29.99
Biota Captive-Bred White Spotted Dwarf Goby Biota Captive-Bred White Spotted Dwarf Goby
(Trimma cf. caesiura)
Starting at $49.99
Biota Captive-Bred Yellow Tang Biota Captive-Bred Yellow Tang
(Zebrasoma flavescens)
Starting at $249.99
Biota Captive-Bred Yellow Trimma Goby Biota Captive-Bred Yellow Trimma Goby
(Trimma kitrinum)
Starting at $49.99
Biota Premium Marine Fish Pack Biota Premium Marine Fish Pack (Captive-Bred)
(Miscellaneous species)
Starting at $249.99
Black Longfin Clownfish, Misbar, Captive-Bred Black Longfin Clownfish, Misbar, Captive-Bred
(Amphiprion ocellaris)
Starting at $159.99
95 results