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Did you know that this specimen ships from our LiveAquaria® Wisconsin Facility, home of our popular Diver's Den® WYSIWYG Store and our LiveAquaria® Certified Captive Grown Corals (CCGC)? What that means is that you can rest assured knowing this specimen received the highest level of care from our experienced and professional LiveAquaria® staff!
PLUS, hobbyists that use our LiveAquaria® Professional Reef Salt have the added benefit knowing marine species shipped from our LiveAquaria® Wisconsin Facility share the same water parameters. In other words, if you use our Professional Reef Salt, marine species shipped from our Wisconsin Facility will acclimate and transition to your home aquarium with less stress to set the foundation for longer term success.
The Harlequin Bass is an unusual striking yellow and black mottled mottled color on the ventral side, with black and white mottling on the dorsal half. These fishes are extremely hardy, and make a great candidate for beginners. A 75 gallon or larger aquarium with abundant hiding places provides a good environment.As the Harlequin Bass matures and grows, it may prey on any smaller fish or small crustacean tank mates. Although these fishes can boss around some smaller tank mates, they are not normally overly aggressive to dissimilar species. They do not normally take kindly to other Dwarf Sea Basses or even bottom dwelling fishes that occupy the same territory, so keep a close eye on them when mixing similar fishes or ones that occupy the same territory. Ideally only one Harlequin Bass per tank is recommended, unless a bonded pair can be obtained.
A sturdy species, the Harlequin Bass requires a diet consisting of a variety of chopped live meaty items and frozen foods.
Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3-1/2"; Large: 3-1/2" to 5"
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