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How to Calibrate Electronic Testers

How to Calibrate Electronic Testers

Calibration establishes standardized reference points to help maintain accurate readings when using electronic testers. Calibration is crucial for accuracy, so it is important to calibrate the instrument regularly, especially if a high level of accuracy is required.


Pour a small amount of the calibration solution into a clean beaker. If possible, use plastic or glass beakers to minimize any electromagnetic interferences. For accurate calibration and to minimize cross-contamination, use two beakers. One should contain Rinse Solution for rinsing the electrode or probe and the other should contain the calibration solution.


  • Immerse electrode or probe into the calibration solution of your choice and stir gently.
  • Conduct reading, per manufacturer's instructions.
  • After reading is stable, confirm/set the calibration.
  • Rinse electrode and repeat process to establish the parameters for the electronic tester (low range and the high range).
  • Your electronic tester is now calibrated and ready for use.

The calibration of electronic testers will vary slightly from product to product but will rely on the basic principles explained here.

Essentials Make it Simple

Pinpoint ORP Controllers

Pinpoint ORP Controllers

Calibration Solutions

Calibration Solutions

HM Digital EC/TDS HydroTester COM-80

HM Digital EC/TDS HydroTester COM-80

Pinpoint pH Monitor

Pinpoint pH Monitor


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