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Choose the Right Air Pump for Your Needs

Choose the Right Air Pump for Your Needs
Air pumps have many different uses. Once you decide what you need an air pump for, selecting the right pump for your application is easy. If you have any questions about which pump makes the most sense for you, feel free to call our customer service department at 1-800-334-3699 for assistance.

Decoration or oxygenation
Choose the Right Air Pump for Your Needs With a medium-pressure air pump, such as the >Whisper Air Pump, and an airstone or bubble wand, you can add a decorative bubble backdrop in your aquarium that also helps remove unwanted gases. Surface movement caused by the bubbles also adds oxygen to your aquarium. For best results, choose an air pump rated one tank size larger than your tank.

Undergravel filters
Air pumps with medium to high pressure designed to work at a substantial depth also power undergravel filters.

Foam and corner filters or "action" ornaments
Foam and corner filters and some ornaments are run by a small, low-pressure air pumps.

Wood airstones
Wood airstones, often used with protein skimmers, require high-pressure air pumps such as Cobalt Aquatics Oxy-Pro Aquarium Air Pump, Tetra air pumps, and the Coralife Super Luft Air Pump.

Installation/Operation Tips
Air pumps, installed outside the aquarium, should be kept close to the aquarium with the shortest possible length of airline tubing for optimal performance. You will also need an air control valve, and a check valve, sold separately. To maximize your air pump's efficiency and longevity, clean or replace airstones as necessary.


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