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Dragonface Pipefish - a Natural Solution for Red Bugs

Dragonface Pipefish: Protect Your Corals from Red Bugs
A tiny parasitic amphipod has recently been discovered that seems to only affect certain species of Acropora corals. This parasite has not been scientiafically identified but has been explained by experts as being a micro-amphipod about 1/2 millimeter in length and yellow with a red abdomen. They have been dubbed "Red Bugs." Infested colonies will typically lose color, stop extending their polyps, and slowly waste away until the entire colony is lost.

A Natural Defense to "Red Bugs" in the Reef Aquarium
Dragonface Pipefish Our Aquatic Experts have experimented with many different species of gobies, wrasses, clingfish, as well as other species to find a natural solution for this parasite. Fortunately, we have found an answer - the Dragonface Pipefish (Corythoichthys haematopterus).

Dragonface pipefish feed upon small crustaceans like copepods, amphipods, and "Red Bugs." Once acclimated and comfortable in their new environment, you will find this interesting fish perched near infected corals, methodically consuming bug after bug.

The Dragonface Pipefish not only offers a natural solution to these pests, but is also a very interesting addition for the advanced aquarist. In addition to a colorful pattern and unique shape, they also have the amazing and amusing ability to move their eyes in just about any direction. Just be sure that your reef aquarium is mature and has plenty of micro-crustaceans for them to feed upon.

Interesting Facts:
Family: Syngnathidae
Origin: Coral Sea, Indo-Pacific.
Size: Up to 7 inches
Diet: Carnivorous.
Tank Setup: Mature Reef. A large amount of rocks with caves and overhangs. Gentle currents and peaceful tankmates. A species or Seahorse tank is prefered.
Tank Conditions: sg 1.020-1.025; 72-78°F; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Min. Tank Capacity: 30 gallons
Temperament: Peaceful.
Swimming Level: Any.
Care Level: Difficult-Expert.


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