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Captive-Bred Freshwater Fish and Invertebrates

Captive-bred freshwater fish and invertebrates offered by LiveAquaria® are premium options that help to reduce the impact of the earth’s natural resources. Responsibly sourced, these healthy freshwater fish and inverts can add a dynamic impact in your home aquarium. Many of your favorite freshwater fish species (such as Fancy Guppies and Fancy Goldfish) have been bred to produce never-seen-before colors, patterns, and characteristics. Many Koi species are also captive-bred, widening the options available today. Captive-bred freshwater fish and invertebrates from the USA, Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia make up the majority of freshwater fish available at LiveAquaria®. Just like captive-bred marine fish, these species are hardy, less stressed, and adjust quickly to the home aquarium.

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Captive-bred freshwater fish and invertebrates offered by LiveAquaria® are premium options that help to reduce the impact of the earth’s natural resources. Responsibly sourced, these healthy freshwater fish and inverts can add a dynamic impact in your home aquarium. Many of your favorite freshwater fish species (such as Fancy Guppies and Fancy Goldfish) have been bred to produce never-seen-before colors, patterns, and characteristics. Many Koi species are also captive-bred, widening the options available today. Captive-bred freshwater fish and invertebrates from the USA, Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia make up the majority of freshwater fish available at LiveAquaria®. Just like captive-bred marine fish, these species are hardy, less stressed, and adjust quickly to the home aquarium.

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GloFish®, Sunburst Orange® Longfin Tetra GloFish®, Sunburst Orange® Longfin Tetra
(Gymnocorymbus sp. )
Starting at $37.99
Gold Angel Veil Ram Gold Angel Veil Ram EXPERT ONLY
(Microgeophagus ramirezi)
Starting at $29.99
Gold Ring Burmese Danio Gold Ring Burmese Danio
(Danio tinwini)
Starting at $5.99
Gold Tetra, Captive-Bred Gold Tetra, Captive-Bred
(Rachoviscus crassiceps)
Starting at $2.79
Green Cobra Guppy Group, Female Green Cobra Guppy Group, Female
(Poecilia reticulata)
Starting at $24.99
Japanese Blue Swordtail Male Guppy Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy, Male
(Poecilia reticulata)
Starting at $26.99
Gold Angel LiveAquaria® Captive-Bred Marble Angelfish Group
(Pterophyllum sp.)
Starting at $39.99
Pink Tuxedo Guppy, Male Pink Tuxedo Guppy, Male
(Poecillia reticulata)
Starting at $26.99
Threadfin Geophagus Threadfin Geophagus
(Acarichthys heckelii)
Starting at $34.99
Tricolor Guppy, Male Tricolor Guppy, Male
(Poecillia reticulata)
Starting at $29.99
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Ultra Premium Elephant Ear Betta - Male Ultra Premium Elephant Ear Betta - Male
(Betta sp.)
Starting at $22.99
Yellow Pigeon Blood Discus Yellow Pigeon Blood Discus
(Symphysodon sp.)
Starting at $69.99
Yellow Sunrise Male Guppy Yellow Sunrise Guppy, Male
(Poecilia reticulata)
Starting at $26.99
Zebra Obliquidens Zebra Obliquidens
(Haplochromis latifaciata)
Starting at $29.99
86 results