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A wide range of light fixtures ranging from power compacts, VHO, T-5's, to the more intense metal halides can be used for Montipora corals. However, depending on your light fixture, you may need to alter their position in the aquarium to best develop color and form. In an aquarium lit by metal halides, Montipora Corals should be kept in a mid to low position and under other lighting they should be kept in a mid to high position. To bring out the most intense coloration of this coral, we recommend metal halide lighting. For continued good health, they will require the addition of a two part calcium and buffer supplement to maintain a calcium level of 400-450 ppm and dKH of 8-12. They will benefit from the addition of zooplankton.
LiveAquaria® Aquacultured Coral frags are mounted to a fired ceramic plug that can be affixed to live rock anywhere in the aquarium with gel super glue or epoxy.
Approximate Purchase Size: 1" to 1-1/2"
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